Politique cookies

Cookies policy


Last modification: May 28, 2023

What does a cookie mean?

A cookie (or other tracer) is a text file stored on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile) through your browser software when consulting an online service.



The cookies saved by us or by third parties when you visit our Site or our Applications do not recognize you personally as an individual, but only recognize the device you are using. Cookies do not store any sensitive or directly identifying personal data, but simply provide information about your browsing so that your device can be recognized later.



Cookies do not cause any damage to your device, but make it easier, for example, to find your preferences, to pre-fill certain fields and to adapt the content of our services.



You alone choose whether you wish to have cookies stored on your device and you can easily control the storage of cookies. For specific information on the management and control of cookies, please refer to the “Your choices regarding cookies” section. The word "cookies" in this policy refers to all tracers that can be used as part of our Service and in particular those used in our Applications.


The data we collect with your consent.


Ad deposit

To place an advertisement, you must provide us with your pseudonym, your email address, your telephone number, and your city or postal code. When your telephone number is displayed on your advertisement, a pictogram is associated with it by default indicating that you refuse any commercial canvassing. You can choose to modify this parameter when placing your ads. You can also register on the Bloc tel cold calling opposition list.


In addition, you can choose to provide us with your geolocation coordinates via the geolocation functionality of the ads on our site, by clicking on the button provided for this purpose.

If you subscribe to a paid option to highlight your ad, we ask you Also payment information (credit card number).


We use, based on our legitimate interest, automatic ad content analysis technology to detect unsolicited content, including fraudulent content. This technology is based on the information you provide when placing your ad and in your account, the history of the latter and the technical data related to your use of the website.


Account creation

When you create your Personal Account, you must provide us with your pseudonym and your email address.


You may also choose to provide us with the following information:

  • Civility, Surname, First name

  • Phone number

  • Address

  • Date of birth

  • Socio-Professional Category

  • Interests

When you create your Professional Account, you must provide us with your surname, first name, postal address, telephone number and email address.


You may also choose to provide us with the following information:

  • Civility

  • Date of birth

  • Socio-Professional Category

  • Interests

If you buy credits from your Account, you must also provide us with payment information (credit card number).


Contact customer support or report ads

When you contact our customer support or report an ad, you must provide us with your surname, first name and email address.


Respond to an ad

When you respond to an advertisement without being connected to a Personal or Professional Account, you must provide us with your surname, first name, and your email address. If you are responding to a job posting, you need to upload your CV. This is saved to facilitate your future applications. When you respond to an ad while connected to an Account, we send the Advertiser the contact details of your account (email and telephone) and we are also likely to send a Pro Advertiser your search criteria that allowed you to consult said Announcement.


We use automatic message content analysis technology, based on our legitimate interest, to detect unsolicited content, including fraudulent content, or malicious computer programs



Plan request form

When you request a plan from an Advertiser, we collect the following information:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Would

Share an ad

When you use the ad sharing feature, We collect the sending email and the recipient's email.


Share profile

When you use the sharing feature of a profile, We collect the recipient's email and use your account email to share the profile to your recipient.


Candidate profile

When you create your Profile candidate, we collect the following information :

  • Job sought

  • Geographical area of ​​research

  • The e-mail address of your Personal Account, which can be changed at any time.


You may also choose to provide us with the following information:

  • CV

  • Functions

  • Activity area

  • Professional experience

  • Formations

  • Phone number.


Tenant profile

When you create your Tenant Profile, we collect the following information:

  • Identification, contact and profile data: surname*, first name*, email*, telephone*, photo, presentation. *This data is taken from your akwadouche.com account when available; they can be modified when creating your Tenant Profile.

  • Data relating to your professional situation as well as that of other tenants: status/type of employment contract (or equivalent), profession/sector of activity, company (employer), level of training (for students only).

  • Data relating to your financial situation as well as that of other tenants: main income (net before tax) and additional income.

  • Data relating to the guarantor(s), if applicable: type of caution, number of guarantors, status/type of employment contract (or equivalent), main and additional income.

  • Data relating to your rental project: number of tenants, desired move-in date, desired rental duration, recommendations from previous owners.

The mandatory or optional nature of the data is indicated at the level of each field. If you do not provide the mandatory data, you will not be able to finalize the creation of your tenant profile.


By providing data relating to third parties (co-tenants/guarantors), you ensure that you have obtained their express agreement to communicate information concerning them as part of the creation and management of your Tenant Profile as well as sharing with Advertisers.


Using our Integrated Messaging

As part of our Integrated Messaging, we use automatic message content analysis technology to detect unsolicited content, including fraudulent content, or malicious computer programs.


Search around me

By clicking on “Search around me” on the home page of our site, you agree to communicate your geolocation data to us so that we can respond to your search for Ads near you.


Information forms

When you request information from us about our offers, on leboncoin.fr or on the pro.leboncoin.fr website, dedicated to our professional offers, we may collect your surname, first name, telephone number and email address.


Secure Payment and Sales Service

If you are a Seller and you carry out a transaction via our Secure Payment Service, or our Secure Payment Service for Vehicles, you must, in order to receive your payment, communicate so-called “Know Your Customer” information to our payment providers; Adyen as part of the Secure Payment Service and Mango pay SA as part of the Security Payment Service for Vehicles. They use them to verify your identity, in accordance with the regulations aimed at combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.


This information is as follows:

  • Full name

  • Address

  • E-mail address

  • Date of birth

  • ID

  • RIB (beyond a certain volume of Transactions and only for Adyen)

To receive the money from your sale, you will be asked for your IBAN.


Secure Payment and Purchase Service

If you are a Buyer and want to make a payment to an advertiser on our site, we collect your payment data (number, expiry date and your bank's cryptogram). For this purpose, they are transmitted to our PCI-DSS certified payment service provider, which technically contributes to achieving the above purpose.

In order to avoid having to enter your bank details again during your next transactions, you can choose to opt for One-click payment by checking the box provided for this purpose. Your bank details can be changed at any time from your Account.


If you use the Secure Payment Service for Vehicles, the funds you transmit to us are kept in an escrow account via our payment provider until the Transaction is finalized.


Delivery service

If you are a buyer and want to collect a package purchased from a seller on our site, we collect the following data:

  • Full name

  • Delivery postal code, in order to display the nearest Mondial Relay point

If you are a seller and you wish to sell a parcel using the Mondial Relay Delivery Service offered on our site, we collect your first and last name in order to display them on the dispatch note for the parcel.


Professional customer support

If you are a professional and you have subscribed to one of our automatic ad import offers or our advertising offers, we may record your telephone conversations with your customer advisor. We give you the means to oppose this recording during the conversation.


Request for support from a professional

When you complete a form to be accompanied in your project by a professional in the real estate or automobile sector, for example the forms for an estimate (“Ask for a free estimate”) and advice (“Ask for advice”), you communicate to us the following data for us to pass on to selected professionals:


1. Identification and contact data, as entered in your account and/or in the form:

  • surname/first name or pseudonym,

  • mail address

  • phone number,

The data retrieved from your account can be modified at any time in the “Settings” page of your account and/or, if applicable, from the data verification link available on the contact form.

Questions about the Cookies Policy

If you have any questions regarding the Cookies Policy, please contact our customer service: support@akwadouche.com.

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